Saturday, December 20, 2008

French BEaCOn... +.=" lolz... i meant bacon..(actually its ham la) Holiday Experiment 2: cooking

WARNING : Kids Don't try this at home !! =)

... lukz lik i miraculously woke up... wow... k

2do list..
1.Let Spotty (My beloved dog) exercise... =)
Spotty ran like da wind..... =.="' wished i had tht stamina... lolz... da oni unfortunate... yes reali
unfortunate happening is da ball... entered a hole and was nvr 2 b found.... ( until nw of course) wht a perfect hole in 1... 2 bd it wasnt in a golf course.. =.=" swtz

2.Cooking Bacon and French toast ( Sum recipe i learned from YP camp Breakfast lolz)
lolz... cooking is real fun actually.. =)

1st step..

Get da ham ready =)

2nd step

Fry them in a hot pan =)

3rd step

Beat eggs in a bowl ..

4th step

Fry bread after dipping it into the egg...

5th n final step

And there you have it ... =.="" my lame version of ham and french toast.

lolz... it sure tastes good... lolz (2 me).... kz.. luks lik i need 2 pen off nw...( i meant key off) nt usin a pen.. lolz... now i shall wrap da Christmas present 4 YP's Christmas Party.. =)..
Experiment 3... wrapping a present.. =)

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